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- Herbs and Tea -


Nature is a perfect source of Health

   This project grew from an idea to support the community and people in need. Every bag of herbal tea is a unique blend of herbs, complete with a recipe number on the bag and more detailed information found on the website. 13% of every purchased bag will be donated to Denver Rescue Mission, St. Jude Childrens Hospital, and to help the most in need, those who live on the street.

   All the medicines we have come from nature. Herbs are the most common sources of those medicines. Over the centuries, people around the world have developed their own practices on how to use herbal medicines. However, the best-known method is through medicinal herbal tea and essential oils. 

   The foundation of Star Herbs Tea consists of two components: the Base of Tea Sets and Colorado's Natural Herbs.

   The Base of the Tea Set may clude: Hibiscus, Rooibos, Chunmee Green Tea, Earl Grey (Black Tea with Bergamot Oil), Pu-Erh Yellow Tea or Pu-Erh White Tea. Ingredients are sourced from the best organic, natural and kosher companies.

  The Herbs are mostly picked in Colorado with a few herbs sourced from other places within the United States.


The Base of Tea Sets

#1 Pu-Erh Yellow Tea

Description: Similar to Pu-Erh White Tea, this yellow tea is made in the Yunnan province of China and it is made by fermenting the tea leaves. It is a loose leaf yellow tea that is referred to as a “dark tea.” It has a deep and rich flavor that is associated with being earthy and mushroomy. A bad blend can taste muddy, while a good blend may appeal to some coffee drinkers. It can be sold as a loose leaf blend or in tea leaf cakes.

Benefits: Digestive benefits of this tea means that it is a good blend to drink after meals. It can also help burn stored body fat and aid weight loss. Since it is fermented, healthy probiotics are introduced to improve gut health. Cholesterol levels can be lowered which in turn can decrease the risk of heart disease.
Side Effects: Too much of this fermented tea can hinder digestive health and cause stomach upset. Excessive intake of caffeine can also lead to insomnia, dizziness, shaking, or dehydration. It is important to monitor caffeine intake with any type of tea blend you consume.


#2 Pu-Erh White Tea

Description: Pu-Erh White Tea is made from the white buds of old Yunnan Pu Erh trees in the Yunnan province of China. Unopened leaf buds are fermented in order to make this delicate tea. In this fermentation process the leaves are oxidized which increase the benefits of its antioxidants. It does very well with aging, so the longer the blend is stored, the more flavorful it will be. 

Benefits: This tea blend is very oxidative and provides increased levels of oxygen that enhances circulation and blood flow. This can also help fight headaches and migraines. It also cleanses toxins from the body and increases energy. Weight loss and weight management are other benefits, as well as increasing bone health.
Side Effects: Drinking large amounts of Pu-Erh White Tea can cause headaches, nervousness, dizziness, tremors, and anxiety. Like any other tea blend you should not consume excess amounts due to the caffeine content. Other problems due to overconsumption could include nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and sleep problems.

#3 Chunmee Green Tea

Description: Chunmee Green Tea is a Chinese green tea that is mainly produced in China. It is a loose leaf tea made of small hand rolled leaves. Chunmee is also known as the “precious eyebrows tea” because the leaves are shaped like women’s eyebrows. It is known for its strong and sweet flavor, and goes well with milk, honey, or sugar, and tastes good whether served hot or cold. What gives it the unique flavor, is that its leaves are hand rolled and pan-fired. It is one of the most popular green teas in western countries. 

Benefits: Some health benefits of Chunmee Green Tea include lowered risk of heart diseases, reduced cholesterol, lowered risk of cancers, and increased mental alertness. The caffeine in Chunmee can help you become more focused as well as improve mental clarity, mood, and stress. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties and can help fight viral infections.
Side Effects: You never want to drink herbal teas in excess because of caffeine content and other properties in the blends. Some side effects of this can be headaches, jitters, palpitations. However, drinking in moderation can help prevent these side effects.


#4 Yerba Mate Leaf

Description: Yerba mate is an herbal tea made from a mixture of plant leaves and twigs. It is native to South America. The leaves are typically dried and steeped in hot water to make the tea. Yerba mate is rich in antioxidants and minerals, and contains essential amino acids and vitamins. 

Benefits: Some benefits of yerba mate tea include increased energy and mental clarity. It provides a smoother and cleaner feeling of an energy boost than other kinds of stimulants. Unlike coffee, it doesn’t usually cause jittery feelings or interrupt sleep patterns. It can help if you are suffering from any type of mental or physical fatigue. It can also help boost the immune system because of its vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Side Effects: Since Yerba Mate is a stimulant, too much of it can cause overconsumption of caffeine which can trigger anxiety, heart palpitations, or jitters. Excess use can also create a laxative effect. It is not recommended for those who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suffer from anxiety because of its caffeine content.

#5 Earl Grey (Black Tea with Bergamot Oil)

Description: Earl Grey is a delicious mix of black tea with bergamot, a yellow/green citrus fruit found in the Mediterranean. This type of fruit is utilized for production of essential oils and teas, it is not usually consumed like a normal fruit. It is the perfect beverage for breakfast or mid-afternoon. It is rich in polyphenols which are plant compounds that act as antioxidants that help fight disease. 

Benefits: One of the benefits of earl grey tea is that it helps aid digestion. Flavonoids in bergamot serve to fight inflammation that coincides with digestive issues. Bergamot also helps naturally reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, while black tea is believed to lower blood pressure. Both of these ingredients work to improve heart health and decrease chances of heart attacks and disease.
Side Effects: Overconsumption of this tea can produce some side effects, like blurred vision and muscle cramps. Also, too much tea may slightly affect the iron absorption in the body, so if you are worried about iron intake, it is best to drink this tea when eating meals. A lot of bergamot teas also contain caffeine, so if you experience jitters or anxiety you should switch to decaf.


#6 Rooibos

Description: Rooibos is usually found in South Africa, it is rarely seen anywhere else due to the climates and the chances of cold and frost. There are records of rooibos tea as early as 19th century. While it is known by several names within the species, its nature still holds. There has been several legal issues concerning the name, however, measures have been in place since 2013 to protect the name. Many individuals enjoy rooibos as a green or black tea that is said to be delicate and sweet. Benefits: Antioxidants / Supports Heart Health / Helps manage blood sugar / 
Helps manage weight / Helps in anti-aging / Helps with digestion / Provides minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, and manganese / Helps boost your immune system / Anti-inflammatory / Anit-bacterial / Improves sleep / Strengthens your bones.
Side Effects: Side effects are rare, however, ingesting more than recommended can cause functions of the body to increase, such as liver enzymes or hormones within the body. Given ingestion on a recommended dose, it is overall considered healthy.  
Dosage: Dosage depends on user and health, however, most recommend rooibos useage, is as tea and six cups spread throughout the day. 

#7 Hibiscus

Description: Hibiscus is known to be large and able to thrive in warm, subtropical, and tropical regions. In most cases, they are known for their large brightly colored flowers. They typically resemble the trumpet look. While is used as cultural symbols and, soaps, and providing for adornment for yards and attracting butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds; hibiscus is also used for medicinal uses as well. Benefits: Relieves upset stomach / Lowers high blood pressure and fat level / Bacterial infections / Fever / Provides antioxidants / Boosts liver health / Promotes weight loss / Antibacterial / Possible Cancer-fighting.
Side Effects: It is stated that if taken with Acetaminophen (Tylenol) your body will increase it’s the process of getting rid of Tylenol. Some also state that if taken in very high doses, it could become toxic and place the liver in way of damage. There are not enough studies to show if this true or if there are any other side effects that are needed to be addressed.; 
 Dosage: Dosage depends on age and health of individuals looking to take part of Hibiscus tea, seek your healthcare provider, and herbalist’s advice. It is stated that it has been scientifically researched to reduce high blood pressure, hibiscus tea is made with 1.25-20 grams to 150-1000mL boiling water steeped for 10-30 minutes, one to three times daily for 2-6 weeks. A typical dose is listed as 1.5 grams. 


Natural Colorado & US Herbs

#1 Mint

Description: Mint is distributed across the world. Mint grows best in moist soil such as lakes and rivers. The plant can survive many different ranges of conditions while growing all year round. Mint can be used for many things from culinary to deodorizers, soaps, and other aromatherapy aspects. Benefits: Helps aid fever / Helps fight allergies / Helps prevent cancer / Aids Digestion / Helps with respiratory / 
Helps headache / Helps in oral care / Aides weight loss / Improves alertness and focus / Helps improve your skin / Helps ease nausea and vomiting / Helps aid against stress and depression / 
Side Effects: Side effects depend on the user's health and age. It is recommended those with gastroesophageal reflux disease should not use mint to soothe digestive issues. Taking mint in large doses can be toxic, so be sure to use the recommended dosage. Mint can cause heartburn, dry mouth, and nausea if not taken at recommended doses. 
Dosage: Dosage depends on users’ age and health, however, the average dosage can be between .02 - 225 mg depending on the issue you are taking mint for. Be sure to contact your healthcare provider and your herbalist to get the best-recommended dosage. 


#2 Rosehips

Description: Rosehip is a fruit that is produced by rose plants after successful pollination. It contains one of the most concentrated forms of Vitamin C. It is recorded that Rosehips were used in Ancient China as a form of medicinal use. Benefits: Antioxidants / Boost your immune system / Helps fight colds and infections / Helps ease stomach pain / Helps protect against heart disease / Helps aid in weight loss / Helps protect against type 2 diabetes / Helps protect against Rheumatoid Arthritis / Anti-inflammatory / Anti-aging.

Side Effects: Rose Hip in an appropriate dose that's safe, however, when taking more than recommended it could cause nausea vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and headache. Take precautions if you have any of the following: Diabetes, G6PD Deficiency, Iron Related disorders, heart attack, Sickle Cell, or any history of clots. 
 Dosage: Dosage depends on user and heath, in most cases, dosing is 2-5 grams of the plant as tea, taken 3-4 times a day should'nt cause any issues. Be sure to check with your herbalist and healthcare provider. 


#3 Chamomile

Description: Chamomile is more widely known as daisy resembling flowers that are used to make herbal infusions for medicinal purposes. Chamomile is originally from Europe and Asia. It was used by Egyptians and Romans for medicinal purposes. It's now able to grow best in hot Southern Climates. Benefits: Promotes Healthy Sleep / Anti-inflammatory / Helps treat menstrual pain / Helps in lowering blood sugar / Helps in anti-aging / Helps promote mental health / Helps boost immunity / Helps in treating colds / Helps in treating digestional aches / Help treat cuts, wounds, and other skin conditions / Help treat dandruff, psoriasis / Helps to reduce muscle spasms and pain.     
Side Effects: Due to its frequent testing and use, it is stated that side effects may include allergic reaction, skin reactions, hypersensitivity, or nausea and vomiting if taking more than recommended. 
Dosage: Dosage depends on the age and health of the user. However, typically the dosage can rage approximately 1 cup orally three to four times dailly. Make sure to check with your healthcare provider and herbalist to obtain the correct dosage. 


#4 Lavender

Description: Lavender is one of many several different species in the mint family, just as thyme and oregano. It is originally from the Mediterranean but can be found in North America, however it prefers to grow in less humid areas. Lavender is mostly known to help relieve anxiety it is used for many different purposes including culinary and to kill bad smells. Benefits: Relieves Anxiety, depression / balancing mental health / Helps Relieve Menstrual Cramps, labor pain, and menopause / Helps relieve migraine and osteoarthritis / Helps relieve eczema / Helps relieve canker sores / Helps relieve colic / Helps aid in Alzheimer / Helps with fatigue and insomnia / Helps balance high blood pressure / Nausea and vomiting / Toothaches / And many other conditions or isuses.
Side Effects: Side effects depends on user and health, however, it is considered safe across the board. It is recommended that one stops using lavender for at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery. 
Dosage: Dosage depends on the user and health. In most cases, 8mg is recommended twice a day. Please reach out to your healthcare provider and herbalist for more detailed dosage recommendations. 

#5 Thyme

Description: Thyme comes from members of the mint family, relative to oregano and others. While thyme is used for culinary use, it's also used for medicinal use as well. Thyme use is dated back to Ancient Egyptians and Greeks and is still used today. Its origination is throughout the Mediterranean areas, however, it has become common among North America as well. Benefits: Anti-Bacterial / Anti-inflammatory Aids in balancing high blood pressure / Helps protect against certain cancers /  Helps against yeast infections / Anti-fungal / Helps treat acne / Helps improve hair growth / Helps fight bronchitis / Help fight common cold / Helps improve joint, muscle, and bone movement / Helps prevent bad breath / Helps ease colic.

Side Effects: Side effects can very depending on age and health of user, however, thyme is considered safe in many cases. But, if you are looking to begin surgery soon, it is advised to quit taking thyme two weeks prior to your surgery as thyme slows blood clotting and could cause complications during and after surgery.  
Dosage: Dosage depends on user and health, so be sure to contact your healthcare provider and herbalist for the best-recommended dose. The standard dosage is 1-2 grams of dried thyme. 



#6 Russian Sage

Description: Russian Sage is also known as Salvia Yangii. It is a subshrub that blooms between June and October. It is native to Asia but can be found nearly everywhere including North American. While its name includes sage, it is not a sage, and it is not a culinary herb. 

Benefit: Russian Sage can help with the following: 
Indigestion / Fever / Teeth Pain / Cold / Upset Stomach / Flu / Sinus.

Side Effects: Russian Sage can be toxic if not taken in dosing that is advised.  It is advised the leave not to be eaten. The flowers can be crushed and used. This can cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. 
Dosage:  While there are no clinical trials to determine the specific dosage needs, dosage depends on users' age, health, and problem. Do not use outside of dosing advisement. Seek advice from your herbalist and your healthcare provider. 

#7 Linden

Description: Linden is within a group of types of trees frequently referred to at Tilia. These trees can be used for many different things, however, Linden in specific, is more knows for their fragrance and medicinal herb blossom. They can serve for many different purposes and can be found in many temperate regions along with North America, Asia, and Europe. 

Benefit: Linden can be used to help many ailments big and small. It is said to help with the following: Fevers / Colds / Nasal Congestion / Throat / Irritation / Cough Infections / Muscle Cramping / Anxiety / Anti-inflammatory / Mild pain / Lowering Blood Pressure / Nervous Palpitations / Promotes better sleep / Itchy Skin. 

Side Effects: It is important to always consult with your doctor, however, Linden is generally regarded as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Some institutes also further support Linden by stating that it is safe for individuals to consume in appropriate amounts. 

*Do not drive or operate heavy machinery when ingesting Linden. It may cause drowsiness! * 

Dosage: Dosage depends on the individual's age, health, and other conditions and form. There are no specific dosages, however, it is suggested that one does not take more than 4g a day of linden in any form. 


#8 Pine Cones

Pinecones are produced from Pine Trees which are more commonly and naturally found in the Northern Hemisphere of the world throughout Northern American, China, and Southeast Asia. 
Description:  Beginning as early in the Greek (A.D.) era, physicians were using pinecone extract, otherwise known as PCE, to treat patients. Even today Japan uses PCE to treat many illnesses. So while they may be seen as a way to keep pine tree seeds safe, they can also be used as a bonus to your health in your own homes. 

Benefit: Pinecone is said to help with the following: Stimulate cell immune response / Increases production of antibodies / Inhibits growth of Viruses (anti-viral) / Inhibits tumor and cancer growth / Immune System Boost / Anti-Aging / Antioxidant / Memory / Mild Muscle pain / Nerve pain / Blood Pressure / Fevers / Colds.
The aroma helps treat the following: Cough / Asthma /  Respiratory Illnesses.

Side Effects:  Pine Pollen can cause allergies; however, pine is stated to be safe. There are not enough clinical trials to pinpoint side effects. 

Dosage: Dosage is determined upon several factors based on age and health. It is always important to speak to your health care provider and a qualified herbalist. 

#9 Onopordum tauricum
or Milk Thistle

Description: Onopordum Tauricum is part of the bull thistle plant species and provides flower heads that are harvested and able to be used for medicinal purposes. The representatives are shown to be native to Europe easily grown and spread. It is said that probiotics not only occur in fruits and vegetables but also in thistle species such as the Onopordum Tauricum. 

Benefit: Onapordum Tauricum is said to be able to provide the following: Probiotics /  Antioxidants / Mild pain / East Digestive issues / Ease Stomach Cramps / May provide protection for liver cells / Anti-Inflammatory / Arthritis.
Side Effects: Due to the benefits of the Onapordum, or Bull Thistle, it can cause side effects that help rid of any bad material that may be in the digestive system. The following side effects are common for any changes in the digestive system or ridding toxins. Nausea /  Diarrhea / Indigestion / Bloating.
Dosage: Dosage is according to age and health. It is important to reach out to your herbalist and health professional. 



#10 Nettle (California)

Description: Nettle was originated from Europe but can found everywhere including here in North America. It is divided into several other subspecies, however, the most commonly known is common nettle or stinking nettle. Its flavor is similar to that of spinach and is used to obtain the vitamins and nutrients that the nettle holds. In many cases, it is used for cooking and for teas. 

Benefit: Nettle can be used to help many ailments such as the following: Provides Vitamins and Nutrients such as: Vitamins A, C, K, and some B, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Amino Acids / Reduces Inflammation / Said to Treat Hay Fever / Gingivitis / Anemia / Treating Fevers / Lower Blood Pressure / Blood Sugar Management / Liver health / Wound Healing / Reduce Bleeding 
Side Effects: Always check with your doctor and Herbalist. Most side effects are more common with the nettle root then the nettle leaves. 
Side Effects could include an Upset stomach.

Dosage: Recommended dosing is stated to be no more than four cups per day of Nettle tea. Dosing recommendations have been studied and filed in scientific research. 

#11 Alfalfa

Description: Alfalfa has several different names and has been used for many medical reasons. It is also known has Lucern or Buffalo Herb.  It has been used for livestock and crop covering, however, it is also used for medicinal use in humans. 

Benefit: Alfalfa can be used to help many ailments big and small. It is said to help with the following: Cholesterol /  Improved Metabolic Health / Upset Stomach / Diabetes / 
Arthritis / Bladder and Kidneys / Relieving Menopause.
Side Effects: 
Side effects can be visible in some people. Especially, if you are pregnant, have an autoimmune disorder, or take blood thinners. However, in most cases, they are considered safe and nutritious. Due to the fact that Alfalfa holds a high fiber content, it can cause bloating, abdominal discomfort, or diarrhea. 

Dosage: Dosage depends on age and health. Not enough studies have been provided to give a specific safe dosage. Seek the advice of an herbalist and your healthcare provider however, it is said that doses ranging around five grams and approximately three times daily saw no harm. 


#12 Field Pennycress 

Description: While Field Pennycress (Thlaspi Arvense)  is known for many different things, it is more commonly grouped with the mustard family. It is available across most of the United States even though it originated near the Mediterranean. Its bittersweet taste is perfect for brewed or cooked. 

Benefit: Field Pennycress can be used to help with the following: Eyesight / Anti-inflammatory / Antidote / Mild Pain / Antibacterial / Anti-Viral / Ease Congestion / Fever.
If you ever find yourself in a bind, pennycress can also be eaten in the way of survival after boiling.
Side Effects: Avoid use during pregnancy. If eaten too much it can cause nausea and dizziness. 

Dosage: Dosage depends on age and health, be sure to check in with your herbalist and health care provider. Avoid large doses. 

#13 Mullein

Description: Mullein, also called Verbascum, is native to Europe and Asia. It is frequently used for many medicinal purposes. It is found throughout the US and has over two hundred species. Oil is extracted from the flower and used in two ways. Hot and cold steeped. 

Benefit: Mullein Old and New, can be used to help many ailments such as the following: Fevers / Flu / Cough / 
Congestion / Asthma / Constipation / Mild Pain / 
Anti-inflammatory / Sleep / Gout / Ear Infection / 
Disinfectant / Wounds / Hair Care / Heart Health.
Side Effects: It is stated to be safe and has been no reports of effects. However, due to its ability to help with constipation, nausea and diarrhea may become a side effect depending on the use of the herb. 

Dosage: Dosage depends on age and health of an individual. Always check with your herbalist and healthcare provider. In most cases, it is recommended three to four grams daily. 


#14 Russian Olive

Description: The Russian Olive is much like a shrub or small tree. It can grow up to six feet a year. It is normally seen in very wet areas. There are more than ninety different species and mostly known to be in Asia, Europe, and some parts of North America, however, it is native to Europe and Asia. It is highly tolerable of many kinds of weather and is filled with high nutritional value. 

Benefit: Russian Olive can help with the following: 
Muscle Relaxer / Epilepsy / Heart Disease Prevention / 
Anti-Inflammatory / Respiratory / Helps fight cancers and tumors / Antimicrobial / Helps with memory / Antioxidant / Anti-Ulcer.

Side Effects: There are no known dangerous side effects and considered among the safest trees in the world. 

Dosage: Dosage depends on age, health, and the health issue that is at hand. Be sure to check with your herbalist and your healthcare provider. 

#15 Juniper Berries

Description: Despite the “berry” part of the Juniper Berries’ name, it is actually a cone that gives a berry appearance. It is an evergreen shrub that is found in the mountain areas of Europe, Asia, and North America. In most cases, they are blue in color and contain a tart and pine taste. They are often used for culinary and medicinal uses. 

Benefit: Juniper Berries can help with the following: 
Anti-Inflammatory / Insomnia / Digestive Issues / 
Antioxidants / Balance Blood Sugar / Heart Health / 
Antibacterial / Kidney Health.
Side Effects: May interact with diabetes medications. If taking diabetes medication and taking Juniper, this may cause your blood sugar to go too low and could be dangerous. May interact with water pills as well as Juniper can also act as water pills. 

*Do not drive or operate heavy machinery after ingesting. 

Dosage: Depending on the age, health, and health issue at hand depends on the dosage of an individual. Be sure to check with your herbalist and healthcare provider to ensure a healthy dose. 


#16 Sagebrush

Description: Sagebrush is a shrub that can be found in a cold desert or the mountains of West North America. It provides food and medicinal uses for many. Sagebrush was more commonly known to be used by Native Americans as they used them for purification and medicinal use.  

Benefit: Sagebrush can help with the following: 
Sore throat / Colds / Coughing / Bronchitis / Digestion / 
Disinfectant / Antiseptic / Hair health / High Cholesterol / 
Antimicrobial / Anti-inflammatory.

Side Effects: While there are no known dangers for taking Sagebrush, it is important to understand that it can interact with medications that you are already taking.   Due to its digestive aiding, possible side effects include nausea or vomiting. In some cases, it can also affect medications that are already being taken. 
It is not recommended to take while pregnant. 

Dosage: The recommended dosage is between one half to two milliliters a day for seven days maximum. Be sure to consult your herbalist and healthcare provider. 

#17 Sweet Clover

Description: Sweet clover is found in areas of North Africa, Europe, Asia, and North America temperate areas. It can be used for livestock as well. While Sweet Clover can be used for many purposes, it can be used medicinally and 

Benefit: Sweet Clover can help with the following: 
Blood Thinning / Varicose Veins / Losing water / 
Blood circulation / Pain / Cramps / Itchiness / Bruises / 
Diuretic / Sleeping / Nerve Pain.

Side Effects: When used correctly, there are no dangerous side effects and in most cases are recommended. However, you should not use this if you are pregnant or nursing. Due to the fact of what Sweet Clover can help with, it is important to understand what it can do if not used correctly or if it is used with medications: yellowed skin, bruising, headaches, mood changes, and upset stomach. 
Dosage:  Dosing depends on age, health, and problem that the individual is trying to solve. Be sure to check with your herbalist and your healthcare provider. In most cases, it is recommended to drink 2-3 cups of Sweet Clover tea a day. 

Lychee Leaves Florida.jpg

#18 Lychee Leaves (Florida)

Description: Lychee Leaves are pulled from the Lychee tree that is native to China but can be found in subtropical or tropical climates such as India, Asia, and Africa. Its contents are rich in nutrients and can be very beneficial in the right amounts. It is called the Chinese strawberry because the appearance resembles very closely to the typical strawberry.  
Benefit: Lychee Leaves can help with the following: 
Cough / Fever / Pain / Anti-Inflammatory / Urination / 
Helps prevent certain Cancers / Aging / Heart Disease / 
Anorexia / Immune System /  Digestion / Antiviral / 
Blood Circulation / Blood Pressure / Weight Loss.

Side Effects: There are several side effects listed with Lychee Leaves. It is important to know that with any medicinal herb, it is important to be aware of all things possible. 
If used outside of recommendations, side effects can be very toxic: 
Heightened Blood Sugar, diarrhea, abdominal pain, seizures, or unconsciousness. 
Anyone with an autoimmune disorder should not use it. 
Do not use if pregnant or nursing. 
Dosage:  Seek the advice of your herbalist and healthcare provider. Dosage amounts depend on age and health. In most cases, it is recommended no more than six leaves, or one cup of juice or tea a day. 

#19 Sage (Meadow and  others)

Description: Sage is an evergreen shrub that is native to Europe and Asia, however, it can be grown in many different areas. Sage is part of the mint family right along with lavender, thyme, and basil. While they can be used for cooking, they are used for medicinal use as well. 
Benefit: Sage can help with the following: 
Digestive / Antiperspirant / Depression / Diabetes / 
High Cholesterol / Blood Flow / Alzheimer’s / Lung Cancer Prevention / Anti-Inflammatory / Antioxidant / Memory / 

Side Effects: Sage is considered safe and has no reported history. However, it is recommended to not take with medications such as antidepressants, sedatives, or diabetes without proper dosing. Improper dosing can cause nausea, vomiting, mood changes, or adverse effects on medications. 

Dosage:  Dosing ranges on age and health of an individual along with the medical ailment that the individual is trying to improve. It is recommended to drink only 3-6 cups of Sage Tea a day. Seek the advice of your herbalist and your healthcare provider. 


#20 Calendula from CO Farm

Description: Calendula herbs are made from dried Calendula flower petals. These flowers are in the daisy family and are referred to as marigolds, but have many medicinal properties. It is typically applied topically and can be turned into helpful home remedies such as oils, balms, and lotions. But it can be ingested in teas and their distinct yellow color brightens up any herbal tea blend.
Benefits: Calendula is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you feel your best. It can treat inflammation, stomach problems, and even menstrual cramps. By improving blood flow and oxygen into the tissue, it may also help wounds heal faster. Believed to also improve oral health and skin health, this herb would be a great addition to your regimen.
Side Effects: It is recommended to talk with a health provider whenever you try a new supplement or herb. Herbs are a great way to strengthen the body and impact health in a positive way, but they can still cause side effects. Do not take calendula if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as the ingredients interfere with menstruation and may contribute to a miscarriage. Try a patch test on the skin with calendula herbs if you have an allergy to other plants such as ragweeds, chrysanthemums, or any plants in that family.


To get more information about herbs you can visit the most known medical websites:,, www., A good source of full and detailed information could be "Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine" by Andrew Chevallier.


Colorado Handmade Natural Organic Herbal Tea

  Steep one bag in 33 + ounces of pure spring or filtered water at 177 -187 F for five to seven minutes.

  ATTN: If you have any medical condition, consult your medical care provider, physician (doctor) before using it. The Monthly Colorado Natural Herbal Tea by Recipe is a gentle mix of herbs so it could be used as a regular tea, but the best way to do it in the morning before taking food. The Custom Herbal Tea it's a stronger, bitter tea so, please use it wisely, and it's cannot be used as regular tea. A good time when you take is when you fasting. If are going to it, you want to stick with light food such as rice. Please, use it wisely and, do not overdose yourself.
If you have any allergies or side effects stop taking them immediately.

 Please, enjoy and be Healthy!


Star Hers Tea and the Colorado Herbal Project.

An open project idea to bring high-quality, handmade, organic, and natural herbal tea.  
A place where everyone can be a part of the project. 
Join us in our mission to spread love, passion, service, and herbal tea!

Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Prov. 4 ESV

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